Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An ambitious person with goals to keep moving him

Its important to stay busy, "idle hands are the devils play things". It is in times of leisure that misery grasps tightest and so man should be made to work, and work to the point of exhaustion. To lead a fulfilled life one has to be pre-occupied even when his peers are resting. The mind grows stagnant only when we allow it to. Leisure leads to reflection, and reflection begets false thinking, which makes many for regret. Stay busy, stay is the urge to be fulfilled that drives the force behind the wind.

Serendipity~ "Happy accident" or "pleasant surprise'

Thursday, June 7, 2012

How can you smile when your lips are made of Stone?

You live your life as if expressing emotion was a sin, with the penatly being death! I throw rusted daggers, and you don't even have the courtesy to flinch. I give you flowers laced with lavender, and you won't even attempt to inhale them...After I staged the mass murder of your once cherished desires, I expected a response. A single tear never fell... My clothes scattered upon the floor. I pressed my body against yours. My skin, warm and eager, awaited your embrace. Then I kissed you with the passion of a thousand infernos, but tragically even that couln't spark a jolt of emotion.
I remember the day I came to visit you in your garden. All the trees there had been painted gray, and the tombstones seem to grow farther away from you. I assumed not even the dead wanted your company... To this day I walk with this weight on my shoulders of burdens, despair, and of course the unrequited love that was never returned.
The hindrance of the day to day base of society conflicting with what it is that I'd like to do. But the constant reminders of my selfless acts of kindness bring me to a place I cannot escape. From my heart to yours, from my soul reaching and dwelling for something more than just good company, but something deeper to express my most inner being.
Remember that day? The day where I patiently waited at the corner of the lamp post where we would normally part ways during high school? I still visit that place to reminisce on the days that emotions were not so complicated. As if your going to appear again, but the wind tells me to go on and find a new place. That day where you were standing there as if you were looking for someone. That baffled look on your face when you had turned and noticed me passing by. I said "hello" from a far thinking you would be able to read my lips. You had then smiled and continued on with your day as I stayed here looking at something more amazing. I was lost in a maze full of wonders with turns of event at every corner. I couldn't bring myself to notice that its been a while since I have seen you. That empty feeling, of discontent due to suppressed emotions of how I felt. It was weird I must say, I'm no longer a child but my heart is still young and fresh to live up to the breeze of the wind that passes by.
The smile that I have seen that day is a smile I will never forget, It seemed warm and genuine-like the place I'd like to take you too- and soft like a cloud. For that moment when you smiled, I was filled with flustered emotions deep inside myself. Your garden was like a puzzle, connected by the colorless green ideas sleeping furiously. (to be continued...)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Don't "fuck the haters", embrace the hive mind.

The “haters” will come in many forms: sometimes with criticism based on personal preference, sometimes with nonsensical attacks that seem like youtube commenter vomit, and sometimes with actual advice disguised as “hate”, saying what you’re doing wrong and what you could be doing better. Not everyone is a sage, not everyone is right, but they areworth listening to, if only to put a pin in to see if you hear something like that again. You will literally never be above improvement. There is no plateau, keep climbing, and pay attention to what’s around you, even the guy shouting through a megaphone while jackhammering directly underneath a potential avalanche.